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Lobbying District Councils for Eye Health Services

Published: 01.08.2017

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Lobbying district councils to increasing funds foreye health services

During an advocacy session on 14 December 2016 in Iramba, it was observed that eye care health service delivery was not considered a priority amongst other health needs such as malaria, HIV, Maternal, newborn and child health. The reason was that most of the district leaders had low level of awareness on the prevalence, social impact and programmes on eye diseases/health.

During his closing remarks, the Iramba Council Chairperson stated ‘We were facing a challenge in accessing eye care services in our region as people with eye problems had to travel to Mvumi hospital in Dodoma (300 km away) or KCMC Hospital (400 km away). Thus, I am so excited that the MAONO project initiative will renovate the district eye care unit. I will use my position as a Council Chairperson to lobby the the district council to allocate funds for eye health services. Furthermore, if the budget for renovation of the eye care unit is not enough, the council will add from its own sources of funds.’

He commented further that he would mobilise all Ward Counsellors to join the MAONO team’s initiatives towards community mobilization so that the project is successfully implemented.