加入IAPB2030 年实现光明》是一项系统变革战略。为了实现到 2030 年消除可避免的视力丧失的目标,确保人人在任何地方都能获得负担得起的服务,眼健康部门需要以不同的方式开展工作。我们需要摒弃卫生系统内各自为政的纵向工作方式,不仅要将眼保健纳入整个卫生系统,还要展示眼保健在其他部门和环境中所发挥的作用。
After reviewing nominations from all over the world, 9 individuals were selected by the IAPB Regional Chairs and Executive Committee as IAPB Young Systems Leader Award Winners in 2024. All exceptional in their work and their commitment to eye health, the winners clearly demonstrated how they embraced new and different ways of working to drive progress.
The winners are:
CEO, Instituto Suel Abujamra, 巴西
National Committee for the Prevention of 盲目性(CNPC) / Foundation for the Fight Against 青光眼 (FONHAG), 海地
国家 Director – 尼泊尔, HCP Cure 盲目性, 尼泊尔
Founder, Africa Eye Imaging Centre, USA
DR-NET South Pacific Regional Coordinator, The Royal Australian and 新西兰 College of Ophthalmologists (RANZCO), 澳大利亚
国家 Director – 埃塞俄比亚, Vision Action, 埃塞俄比亚
Vice President, Associação de Profissionais Licenciados de Optometria, 葡
MENA Representative on the Youth Advisory Group, Red Cross Red Crescent Movement, 伊拉克
Inclusive Eye health Programme Manager, LRBT, 巴基斯坦
Young Systems Leader Award winners will participate in an award programme which includes complimentary registration to 2030 INSIGHT LIVE, 墨西哥 and the pre-event meetings, a speaking or facilitating opportunity at the event speak, a pre-arranged networking meeting with a senior eye health professional at the event, a preparatory online workshop covering sessions with sector leaders on systems leadership, 2030 In Sight, public speaking, networking, and a post-event opinion piece published on the IAPB Knowledge Hub.
We are delighted this year that Dr Mary Lady Gonzalez Suriel, Head of the comprehensive ophthalmology department and head of teleophthalmology project at APEC, will be acting as a host and mentor to the Young Systems Leader award winners during the event in 墨西哥 City.