
2030 年墨西哥现场直播

现场直播 2030 年可视化 "是国际咨询理事会的全球旗舰活动,它汇聚了领导者、创新者和变革者,共同讨论 "2030 年可视化战略 "并采取行动。

2030 年墨西哥现场直播集锦

2030 IN SIGHT LIVE, the only conference that is dedicated exclusively to bringing people together to find solutions to one of the world’s biggest challenges; ensuring eye health is available to all by 2030.​

2030 IN SIGHT LIVE, 墨西哥 held in June 2024 was a tremendous success, demonstrating the power of collaboration and commitment. We were thrilled to host over 500 participants at the Camino Real, Polanco in 墨西哥 City and online. ​

Our 2024 line-up featured distinguished keynote speakers, expert-led sessions, and interactive workshops packed with insights. Together, we made a difference, advancing our shared mission of eye health for all.​

Thank you for being part of something meaningful. We look forward to bringing you an even greater experience in 2025.​

2030 IN SIGHT LIVE, winner of the Best Development of an Existing Event by the Association of Association Executives for 2024.

"IAPB 2030 IN SIGHT LIVE 全球活动为我们提供了一次难得的机会,让我们可以见到老朋友、结识新朋友、了解即将到来的机遇并分享想法。总之,这几天让我受益匪浅,精神振奋!"

活动发言人,新加坡 2023


全球 Event Host:


全球 Strategic Partner:

Fred Hollows基金会

Event Venue:

Camino Real logo
