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Regional Update session: Africa Region

Published: 25.09.2023
Holly Aindow Advocacy & Campaign Officer
Junu Shrestha Advocacy and Policy Manager

On September 4th, the second Advocacy to Action Africa session of the year took place, offering participants a deep dive into critical topics such as the National Advocacy Network, country-specific advocacy priorities, and the strategic composition of this influential network.

Edwin Osundwa, the Country Director for CBM Global Kenya, delivered a comprehensive presentation on the National Advocacy Network. His talk emphasized the network’s particular relevance within the African region, highlighting its potential for effecting meaningful change.

Following the presentation, participants were divided into smaller breakout rooms, sparking lively discussions on national advocacy network. These conversations revolved around identifying the key priorities for the network in their countries. Participants discussed who should be enlisted as members in this influential network and who should be the primary targets for their advocacy efforts.

The insights garnered from these breakout sessions were invaluable. Several recurring themes emerged as key takeaways and feedback from the groups. Participants underscored the urgent need for increased human resources in the field of eye health. They also emphasized the significance of investing in training and research institutions to bolster advocacy efforts. Moreover, the importance of a targeted approach when engaging with governmental ministries and policy makers was a prominent focal point of discussion.

The session also served as an exciting platform for unveiling upcoming initiatives and resources by IAPB. Junu Shrestha, IAPBs Policy & Advocacy Manager, provided a look into forthcoming materials, including the Advocacy Guide for Beginners, a promising resource for those embarking on their advocacy journey.

Damilola Bello, IAPBs Corporate Partnerships Officer, highlighted some of the upcoming events and activities on the organization’s calendar, notably World Sight Day and 2030 IN SIGHT LIVE Mexico.

Thanks again to our guests and also to all of you who participated. The recording will be available at a later date.