

Start here if you are interested in supporting your organisation to do more in the gender equity space through updating policies, internal language and processes.

This section of the toolkit includes a number of example organisational policies; some gender equality language supports; and, an organisational training and learning examples.

We have also housed here The Fred Hollows Foundation and UN Women joint policy brief which includes four global calls to action as well as policy calls directed at a number of actors including Civil Society, Governments, Private sector amongst others.




每年11月左右,IAPB都会使用专门改编的全球健康50/50调查对其成员进行调查。 如果你是一个刚开始在内部整合性别平等的组织(无论是在计划上还是在组织上,或者两者兼而有之),你可能想为你的组织做这个调查。它将确定优势和差距,让你知道哪里是一个好的起点。

Results of the 2020 性别 Equity survey (released in 2021)

Results of the 2021 性别 Equity Survey (released in 2022)

Results of the 2022 性别 Equity Survey (released in 2023)

全球 and Organisational Policies

No woman left behind report front page

No woman left behind: Closing the gender and inclusion gap in eye health

This policy brief from the Fred Hollows Foundation and UN Women provides evidence of gender disparities in eye health and highlights gender-related barriers to eye care access and utilization for women.

The brief maps out a number of forward-looking recommendations to countries, including actions to amplify the voices and ensure the meaningful participation of women who are blind or have vision impairment at all levels of decision-making, increase resources to policies and programmes in all relevant sectors that impact women’s eye health, uphold women’s and girls’ rights, tackle multiple and intersecting forms of discrimination, and eliminate gendered barriers preventing women’s access to eye care.




点击这里阅读弗雷德-霍洛斯基金会的 "关于解决公平获得眼科护理的立场声明"。



本政策旨在帮助落实观光旅游公司对多样性的承诺。 救世军在世界许多不同的地方开展业务,每个地方都有自己独特的文化特征,因此在组织上非常希望最大限度地利用这一丰富的资源优势。

点击这里阅读 Sightsavers 全球平等和多元化政策

The Fred Hollows Foundation  Human Rights, Equity and Inclusion Policy

The Fred Hollows Foundation Human Rights, Equity and Inclusion Policy

The purpose of this policy is to affirm that in achieving its vision to see a world in which no person is needlessly blind or vision impaired The Fred Hollows Foundation (The Foundation) will uphold: a) the universal principles of Human Rights throughout all business practices in the achievement of its vision; b) human rights regardless of race, ethnicity, nationality, Indigeneity, cultural beliefs, religion, disability, age, displacement, caste, sex, gender identity, sexuality, sexual orientation, poverty, class or socio-economic status using an Intersectional approach; and c) 性别 Equity, Disability Inclusion and the rights of Indigenous and Tribal Peoples as specific areas of organisational strategic focus.

Click here to read the Fred Hollows Foundation Human Rights, Equity and Inclusion Policy





性别 Equality Language toolkits



在比尔及梅林达-盖茨性别平等工具箱的帮助下,《性别平等词典》包括一套简明的、定义清晰的性别概念。 这些定义为将性别问题纳入其工作的部门专家以及支持能力建设和管理性别平等投资的性别专家提供了支持。



语言创造了一种心态,而这种心态促进了一种文化。使用性别包容的语言并不意味着个人被 "去性别化"。


Leadership tools

Women deliver eye health - Let's reframe who leads it report front page

Women deliver eye health – Let’s reframe who leads it

This project has explored and tested this hypothesis held by The Fred Hollows Foundation (The Foundation) around the potential of parity for women in leadership positions and what this would unlock for eye health services and outcomes.

It draws on some academic viewpoints to establish a supporting evidence base, but it is not an academic review. It is an attempt to draw out some key lessons and experiences from other sectors and organisations. It is an invitation to think about how The Foundation and the wider eye health sector might respond to this opportunity.

Access Women deliver eye health – Let’s reframe who leads it now.

Organisational training and learning




性别 Audit Handbook front page

How to conduct a 性别 Audit within your organisation

This 性别 Audit Handbook is intended to help you conduct a gender audit-organizational transformation process in your organisation.






2021年和2022年,世界之光实施了第一个以性别为重点的眼保健项目,名为 "人人享有公平、可持续的眼保健!"。在项目实施过程中,世界之光及其在布基纳法索、埃塞俄比亚和莫桑比克的合作伙伴测试了各种方法、战略和活动,以加强眼科护理的性别平等。

