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Published: 20.06.2024
Kevin Melanson  Executive Director of International Healthcare & Chief Social Impact Officer 
The Brenda Strafford Foundation 
The Brenda Strafford Foundation

The Brenda Strafford Foundation (BSF) envisions a future where people can live life to the fullest, with dignity, hope and happiness. Established in 1975, BSF’s mission is to optimize people’s well-being and enrich their lives. Today, BSF’s work includes continuing care and community supports in Canada, healthcare in the Caribbean, and research and innovation. 

BSF recognizes the critical importance of vision and eye health on overall well-being and quality of life. By joining the IAPB, we aim to become an active member in a global community committed to addressing preventable blindness and promoting eye health worldwide. 

Currently, BSF is enhancing our work to address unmet health needs for people living in the Caribbean through meaningful and coordinated growth. For eye health, this includes the direct provision of services in Haiti in collaboration with the government (since 1982), partnership for services and training in Jamaica (since 2018), and a development approach in Dominica (since 1985). In 2023, we co-founded the Caribbean Eye Health Alliance to improve collaboration in addressing eye health and vision needs for people in the Caribbean. 

Through our membership, we aspire to leverage collective expertise, resources, and best practices to enhance our impact in preventing blindness and addressing eye health challenges, particularly in the Caribbean region. Engaging with the IAPB and its members will enable us to stay up to date on the latest research, innovations, and strategies in the field, fostering continuous learning and improvement within our organization. 

Our team anticipates actively participating in IAPB initiatives, including collaborative projects, advocacy efforts, and knowledge sharing – inclusive of the upcoming 2030 In Sight Live in Mexico. We are thankful to have already participated in IAPB’s advocacy work this past May at the United Nations’ 4th International Conference for Small Island Developing States – seeing the power of IAPB’s collective voice in action was remarkable.  

Together with the IAPB and its members, we aspire to catalyze change in global eye health, working towards a world where preventable blindness is eradicated, and everyone has access to quality eye care. 

For any individual or organization interested in exploring partnership opportunities in the Caribbean with BSF, please reach out to us, we would love to connect! 

The Brenda Strafford Foundation - Surgeon doing Eye Surgery
The Brenda Strafford Foundation
The Brenda Strafford Foundation - Eye Test in a deprived system

Photo Credits

Images submitted by the Optometry Council Of India.