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Three things you need to know about climate action and eye health

A snapshot of key issues, messages, actions and resources to help you drive climate action in eye health.

Author: Michael Morton, IAPB Knowledge Team, August 2022

1) We all have a role to play in climate action

Climate change is a global human health issue and it’s happening now.

Climate change is predicted to impact eye health and eye care services, and eye care services impact climate change. Tweet: Climate change is predicted to impact eye health and eye care services, and eye care services impact climate change. #2030InSight

We all have a role to play in climate action – the health sector needs to put mitigation and adaptation strategies in place.

Learn more about what you can do to ensure environmentally sustainable practices in the eye health sector, in this video from the Climate Action Work Group on World Environment Day 2022.

Video Transcript

2) There are 10 key areas of action

Sometimes it’s hard to know where to begin with a global problem like climate change. This is when advice on the highest impact actions we can take can really help.

Here are the 10 ways you can reduce your environmental impact and support climate resilience, mitigate your organisation’s carbon footprint and respond to environmental sustainability and climate change.

Call to Action: 10 key areas of action to promote and embed environmental sustainability

3) You can find out more about environmentally sustainable practices in eye health

IAPB Guide for Environmentally Sustainable Practices in The Eye Health Sector cover

If you’d like to learn more, the Guide for Environmentally Sustainable Practices in The Eye Health Sector is a key resource.

It reminds us just why we need to make environmental sustainability in eye health a priority.

There’s practical guidance on how to embed environmental sustainability into your organization’s operations, policies and projects. You can also learn more about minimising impact in your supply chain and when working with partners.