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Announcing the 4th IVI International Optometry Conference

The 4th International Optometry Conference - Eye Health in a Changing World, hosted by India Vision Institute will be held at the IIT Madras Research Park in Chennai, from September 24th to 26th, 2023.
The 4th International Optometry Conference - Eye Health in a Changing World, hosted by India Vision Institute

Event Details

Start Time:
24th September 2023 - 8:00 am
End Time:
26th September 2023 - 6:00 pm
Register for this Event

The 4th International Optometry Conference – Eye Health in a Changing World, hosted by India Vision Institute will be held at the IIT Madras Research Park in Chennai, from September 24th to 26th, 2023.

It is a 3-day event, bringing together leading experts, researchers, eye care professionals, and educators from around the world.

The conference offers a comprehensive program designed to provide attendees with a diverse range of activities. The conference features keynote lectures, invited talks, panel discussions, paper and poster presentations, and an engaging trade fair.

The first day of the conference will feature 6 workshops comprising 2 sets of 3 parallel workshops, each for one and a half hours. The conference will revolve around keynote lectures on important themes, including

1) Multidimensional nature of Myopia
2) Embracing Technology and Innovation in Optometry
3) Eye health and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
4) Uniform delivery of Optometry education
5) Partnership building
6) Scaling up efforts to address uncorrected refractive error

Furthermore, the conference will also include paper and poster presentations on a range of topics.