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Community Eye Health Journal Technology Webinar

Communication Technology Webinar ICEH

Event Details

Start Time:
9th November 2022 - 4:30 pm
End Time:
9th November 2022 - 6:30 pm
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Please join the Community Eye Health Journal  for a webinar on their recent technology issue, ‘Communication Technology for Eye Care’, on 9th November 11:00 GMT.

This webinar allows you to hear from the authors of key articles within the issue, and ask questions of the experts. The webinars are designed around questions, allowing you the opportunity to discuss questions relevant to your work. Speakers include:

Dr Zahid Awan speaking on technology-enabled primary eye health care in Pakistan:

Michelle L Hennelly, speaking on technology in education:

Dr Hillary Rono, speaking on overcoming the challenges of access to eye care through mHealth in Kenya:

Communication technology has great potential to help deliver good quality and affordable health care, so long as equity of access is prioritised. The articles in this issue provide guidelines for developing inclusive and accessible mobile health (mHealth), teleophthalmology, and artificial intelligence (AI) services for everyone – including people with disabilities, those with low digital literacy, and those who lack internet access – while protecting patients’ data and privacy.