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2030 In Sight

Ending Avoidable Sight Loss
2030 in sight


2030 In Sight - An Introduction

Video Transcript

Learn More About 2030 In Sight

There are 1.1 billion people around the world living with the consequences of sight loss because they do not have access to eye care services.

These are some of the poorest and most marginalised in society.

Without change, this will rise to 1.8 billion people by 2050.

2030 In Sight is the sector’s strategic plan for the next decade. A call to action to embed vision as a fundamental, economic, social and development issue, incorporate eye health in wider health care systems and drive patient, consumer and market change. All of which are fundamental to achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

The end of avoidable sight loss is now within our grasp and 2030 In Sight outlines how we can push harder than ever before to deliver on this ambition.

2030 In Sight builds on so much great work already done, but recognises that the challenge has changed and we have to work differently to make sure eyesight receives the political, health and development priority it needs and deserves.

Together, we need to:

  • ELEVATE vision as a fundamental economic, social and development issue.
  • INTEGRATE eye health in wider health care systems.
  • ACTIVATE patient, consumer and market change.

Ending Avoidable Sight Loss – Our Strategic Plan

Progress made over that last decade has been extraordinary, but our most important days lie ahead and there has never been a great opportunity to improve the lives of billions of people.

Now is the time to ELEVATE vision as a fundamental, economic, social and development issue, INTEGRATE eye health in wider health care systems and ACTIVATE consumer demand and market change.

Select the arrows below to read more.

UN Resolution - New York Times Square


Embed vision as a fundamental, economic, social and development issue.


  • Unlock political will and financing.
  • Set new targets and hold government to account for reaching them.
  • Leverage school and education settings.
  • Target employers.
  • Embrace the full Sustainable Development framework.
Nurse using slit lamp in informal clinic in Vietnam


Incorporate eye health in wider health care systems.


  1. Push for inclusion in Universal Health Coverage.
  2. Deliver integrated people-centred eye care.
  3. Train and develop a diverse and resilient workforce.
  4. Embrace technological solutions.
LYE World Sight Day


Drive consumer and market change


  • Campaign on a new level.
  • Tackle negative stereotyping.
  • Build public-private partnerships.
  • Create the right regulatory environment.

Our Call to Action

2030 In Sight brings together the WHO World Report on Vision, the Lancet Global Health Commission on Global Eye Health and the landmark UN Resolution, Vision for Everyone. This work guides the actions we take over the next decade to ensure that 2030 will be in sight for all.

In the following video, Peter Holland, IAPB’s CEO presents the strategy, and why it is important that all of us sign up to it.

Do watch and share.

Video Transcript

Be Part of 2030 In Sight

Get your copy of 2030 In Sight. Be part of the action and ensure your organisation is prepared to play its part in making equitable, accessible, and affordable eye health a reality for all.

2030 in Sight strategy document cover
2030 In Sight Strategy
2030 in Sight summary document cover
2030 In Sight Summary

Photo Credits

Banner: OneSight, Elevate panel thumb: IAPB Italy WSD 2017, Integrate panel thumb: Terry Cooper, Activate panel thumb: Al Baseer Foundation, Karachi WSD 2018