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Tejah Balantrapu steps down from Comms role

Published: 12.10.2021
Simon Darvill Head of Communications
Tejah Balantrapu steps down from Comms role

After almost 20 years working for IAPB in different roles, Tejah Balantrapu, currently IAPB’s Deputy Head of Communications will be leaving IAPB at the end of November. He will be heading to the L V Prasad Eye Institute to work with health data to generate evidence, science writing and storytelling.

Tejah joined IAPB in March 2004 as Communications Coordinator and has been an important part of IAPB’s work ever since. Tejah worked to build a brand for IAPB and over the years has overseen the growth of World Sight Day to what it is today. Tejah has led our India team and been a crucial part of the expansion of IAPB’s Communications and Campaigning work. Staff across IAPB will miss working closely with him, but we are pleased that he is planning to remain in the sector.

Members will know Tejah for his willingness to help wherever possible often going above and beyond the call of duty and for the good humour and kindness he shows in all aspects of his work.

We will be sharing an opportunity to thank Tejah for all he has done in November.

We are currently hiring a new Communications Manager to replace Tejah. See job opening here