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What you need to know? – A course to action

This is a pivotal time for advocacy for the eye health sector. We achieved several landmark advocacy wins, across global organizations; e.g., United Nations resolution 73/310 Vision for Everyone: accelerating action to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals; World Health Organization World Report on Vision 2019, World Health Assembly resolution 73.4 Integrated People-centred Eye Care, including preventable vision impairment and blindness.

Our collective advocacy can effect change better and this is possible when we understand the global, regional and national policy context, are able to substantiate the need for integrated action, and when our messages reach and trigger action from every stakeholders.

IAPB’s Advocacy to Action 2021 and 2022 navigates the ‘what’ ‘why’ and ‘how’ of this course to action keeping in mind that we have diverse yet similar needs, barriers, and bridges to cross for achieving eye care services for all by 2030. IAPB together with our members have produced video series and resources to get you started and support your advocacy work to achieve 2030 In Sight.