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VISION 2020: The Right to Sight initiative – A slide-deck

Published: 13.01.2021
Victoria Sheffield Vice-President
VISION 2020: WHO projections with and without Vision 2020

Dear members of IAPB,

The VISION 2020: The Right to Sight initiative was launched in 1999 at WHO headquarters in Geneva.

Unfortunately, VISION 2020 ended without much ceremony due to the pandemic, but we shall right that ship in the near future.

There is much for which we all can be proud and this slide deck is a gift to you from IAPB to use when speaking to your Boards of Trustees, donors, and lay groups about how VISION 2020 was created, launched, our partnerships, and achievements.

It is not meant to be clinical but a top line cheering of a global initiative that has made a huge difference in the lives of millions of people in our world!

I am enormously grateful to Prof. Hugh Taylor, Prof. Rupert Bourne, and Jude Stern for their contributions to this slide deck.

I also am grateful to John Barrows for his help with charts, and Tejah Balantrapu and his team in India, especially Ishwarya Teeparthi, for making the slides so attractive.

Now, onward and upward to 2030!

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