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Published: 06.07.2015

IAPB’s 10th General Assembly, eye health’s premier global event, will now be from 27 to 30 October 2016.

After careful consideration, the IAPB Programme and Organising Committees have decided to move the event from 18-20 September to 27-30 October 2016. While a lot of care is taken in choosing dates that do not clash with other events of interest to our key stakeholders – i.e., you – our ambition for the GA has now grown to include other key, non-eye health leaders as well. 
To our pride and delight, some of the key political figures and global health leaders we have approached, have expressed interest in attending the event. In this specific instance, the dates clashed with the UN General Assembly, making it difficult to secure their participation. We believe their presence at 10GA will help take the eye health agenda to a broader audience, and is in keeping with IAPB’s objective of raising the sector’s profile in the wider health and development networks.
The new dates also steer clear from all the important eye care conferences in 2016; we do hope the change of dates do not inconvenience you. We look forward to sharing exciting updates on key speakers and the programme over the coming weeks. Stay tuned.
10GA hero image, with updated dates - 27 to 30 October 2016