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Published: 18.12.2019

A big thank you to all who attended the IAPB Council of Members Session on The Africa Regional Plan.  We had a full house and rich and fruitful engagement from all participants.  The session covered the implementation of the IAPB Africa 2019-2022 Workplan and highlighted opportunities for member organisations to engage with it.  When originally developing the workplan, it was designed to reflect the roles of the IAPB secretariat as well as members relating to the key actions.  In an interactive exercise, members were asked to commit to activities in the workplan upon which their organisation could support or deliver.  The level of commitment received during this exercise was most positive and testament that the workplan is indeed on the right track.

Activities that received high levels of commitment were:

  • Launching the World report on vision at the regional and national level
  • Determining the potential for integration of Universal eye Health Coverage into national policy
  • Advocating for the for integration of Universal eye Health Coverage into national policy
  • Optimise communication channels to collate and disseminate information and knowledge

IAPB is following up with the respective member focal points on the next steps regarding the activities relating to their commitments.  If you missed the session and would like get involved in implementing the Africa Regional Plan, kindly email me directly.

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