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Join IAPBWith Vision Atlas launches taking place across the Western Pacific Region, the team from Shanghai Eye Disease Treatment and Prevention Centre (SEDTPC) decided this was a great opportunity to highlight the growing burden of myopia in China. Dr Jianfeng Zhu, Director of Division of Preventive Ophthalmology noted how pleasing it is to see that the Vision Atlas addresses the burden of myopia. “In Shanghai we are working within our established networks, with our IAPB partners and others to raise awareness, so it’s important for us to see that the Vision Atlas gives us more tools for advocacy.”
The growth in myopia is a trend identified by the Vision Atlas right across the region and so it’s particularly impressive to see the SEDPTC bringing together local stakeholders and members of IAPB in an effort both to address and raise awareness of the issue.
China holds a National Sight Day every June 6 and this year the theme adopted by SEDPTC was “Go Sunny for Sight”. Children and their parents were encouraged to take part in orienteering activities around the Shanghai Botanic Garden in an effort to raise awareness of the benefits of outdoor activities on eye health. The event was supported by other major eye health organisations in China, among them AIER, the Fred Hollows Foundation and Brien Holden Vision Institute with direction from the Shanghai Municipal Commission of Health and Family Planning.
China Sight Day video:
It was such a successful day that the team in Shanghai decided to replicate the event to coincide with both World Sight Day 2017 and the Vision Atlas launch – and so on Sunday October 15, expect to see many more children enjoying the Shanghai sunshine. Go Sunny for Sight and Make Vision Count!