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Published: 25.09.2019

family/ story: Two courses at KCCOThe Kilimanjaro Center for Community Ophthalmology (KCCO) is offering two upcoming courses: Organizational & Financial Management to Achieve VISION 2020 in Africa and Bridging Communities and Eye Care Providers to Achieve VISION 2020 in Africa in November 2019.

Bridging Communities and Eye Care Providers to Achieve VISION 2020 in Africa

This course will be held from November 4-8, 2019.

Course Description: To provide eye care programme managers with the skills necessary to develop, implement and monitor strategies for increasing utilization for services by the population in need.

Main Learning Objectives

At the end of the course trainees should be able to:

• Identify reasons for poor utilization of existing eye care services.

Identify strengths and weaknesses in current strategies to mobilize patients for surgery.

Understand the meaning of “bridging strategies” and the importance of eq-uity based policies and programmes.

Determine the relative merit of different approaches for increasing aware-ness and acceptance of eye care services by the population.

Understand the potential role of community in mobilization of patients for surgery and the factors that lead to strong partnership.

Describe reasons for gender disparities utilization of eye care services and approaches to increasing equity in service utilization.

• Understand how to establish a community optometry to generate funds that can be used to support the bridging strategy.

Understand how decisions regarding surgery are made at the community level.

Understand what is counseling, its importance in bridging strategy, and components of a counselling system.

• Understand how to set up a system for providing follow up after surgery.

Target Audience: Eye care programme managers (from government, NGO’s, or service groups), trainers and key decision makers of national prevention of blindness programmes.

Methods: Lectures, Case Studies, Group work, Field visits

Course Fee: $ 400 per week

Venue – Moshi, Tanzania

* The Fee will cover local transport, lunch and tea breaks during the course, lec-ture notes, and other course materials

For more information on registration etc contact: Mr. Genes Mng’anya | [email protected] | +255 655 66 55 00

Organizational & Financial Management to Achieve VISION 2020 in Africa

This course will be held from November 11-15, 2019.

Course Description: To provide practical (African-tested) strategies for either developing or strengthening management systems to facilitate increased efficiency, coverage, and satisfaction with eye care services .

Main Learning Objectives: At the end of the course trainees will be able to understand:

• Principles of planning (projects & programmes) & logical framework

• How to market eye care services in Africa.

• How to improve resource utilization.

Ways of improving quality (“patient friendly” services, surgical quality).

• Principles of good leadership.

Human resource development strategies (tasks, job descriptions, recruitment, staff training, supportive supervision, staff evaluation, communication).

Financial management (financial viability in Africa, efficiency & effective-ness, establishing or strengthening accounting systems and financial plans, budgeting)

Target Audience: Heads and key decision makers of VISION 2020 planning areas (national or district) and NGO sponsors, programme managers

Methods: Didactic Lectures, Case Studies, Group work, assignments

Course Fee: $ 400 per week