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Published: 17.12.2019


Growing Membership

A long standing IAPB Group C member, OneSight, opted to become a Group B member. We also started 2019 by welcoming three new Group C members: ClearlyGlobal Vision 2020 and Hawaiian Eye Foundation.


Singapore announced as the venue for Global Assembly

IAPB will be hosting its Global Assembly in Singapore with SERI from October 12-14, 2020.

Release of WHO Core Competencies

After a rigorous consultation process in which IAPB and many members took part, WHO AFRO has released core competencies for cadres that constitute the professional eye health team.


Launch of the World Glaucoma Week Campaign

For World Glaucoma Week IAPB partnered with international organisations and experts in glaucoma care with its “Focus On: Glaucoma” campaign which included a lecture at the London school, 4 webinars and a series of blogposts.

International Women’s Day 2019

This International Women’s Day the IAPB Gender Equity Work Group came together to showcase six women from different parts of the world making a difference to eye health, despite social and cultural barriers.


IAPB Board of Trustees Meet in Geneva

The IAPB Board of Trustees met in Geneva to discuss all things IAPB and to participate in a joint meeting with the World Health Organization (WHO) on the World Report on Vision.


Launch of KeepSight

Allergan, Sightsavers and IAPB announced a unique joint initiative – “Keep Sight’”– to prevent glaucoma-related vision loss by building healthcare capacity in low and middle-income countries with the highest unmet need.

International Nurses Day 2019

This International Nurses’ Day we highlighted stories from across the membership.


Big Eye Goes Global

To celebrate China National Sight Day, we took Shanghai Eye Disease Prevention and Treatment Center’s mascot Big Eye traveling.

Good progress towards trachoma elimination

The number of people at risk of trachoma has fallen from 1.5 billion in 2002 to just over 142 million in 2019, a reduction of 91%.

Launch of IAPB Membership Values

In September 2018, the IAPB Executive Committee actioned a Sub-Committee to put together IAPB’s Membership Values. “The values underpin our shared purpose and set out the principles which will govern and inform the way we work to achieve our goal of eye health for all”.


Launch of #Vision First plus 5 years of our photo competition

We launched our 5th World Sight Day photo competition with support from Bayer.

High Level Political Forum at UN

The UN Friends of Vision also met during this pivotal meeting.


WHO organizes web consultations

As part of the WHO reform processes, including the transformation agenda, the WHO requested a web consultation with non-State actors to be organized to hear their views and proposals regarding their participation in WHO governance including governing body meetings.


Consultation on Global report on effective access to assistive technology
Vision was repeatedly referred to as an area of greatest need at the meeting.


Launch of World Report on Vision

This long-awaited and crucial report was launched prior to World Sight Day.

Phase 2 of IAPB Member Map

The new phase contains thematic information besides details of where members work and are based.

Gender Equity Toolkit Launch

The IAPB Gender Equity Work Group has developed a toolkit that synthesises practice, guidelines and resources to help deliver eye health programmes that are gender sensitive, gender responsive and/or gender transformative.


Launch of World Report on Vision at UN & Screenings

The World Report on Vision was launched at the UN Headquarters on the 19th. This was followed by screenings for 500 UN Ambassadors and employees in the UN Lobby on 21st November.


South- East Asia Eye Health Expert’s meeting in Kathmandu

More than 40 regional eye health experts came together to discuss the Word Report on Vision, future priorities and more…

Year 2019 in Review
2019 in Review: At a crossroads
Transition to 2020: Victoria Sheffield
2019 in Review: Peter Holland
2019 in Review: Seeing is Believing
Key Launches: IAPB Africa
#StrongerTogether: IAPB Western Pacific
Evidence Generation: South East Asia
Raising the profile: Global Advocacy
2019 in Review: IAPB Standard List